Tuesday, September 14, 2010

All aboard!...The Blogger Bandwagon that is!

Well I suppose this mama has been intrigued by the blogger world for quite some time.  In fact, I've followed a few blogs for a while now.  Watching you happenin' mama's out there decorate, bake, paint, mod podge, and craft your busy little worlds.  I'm so impressed!  All the while I've been thinking, "Gosh, I'd really like to do that."  But, like so many of you mama's I'm sure, I'm already borrowing time from my "sleep pool" just squeak out a few projects here and there.  So how on earth will I have the time for blogging?!  Well, we shall see...

So here I am, joining you all on the Blogger Bandwagon!  Who am I, you might ask.  Well, here's a little background information about little 'ol me:

My name is Christina, and I'm 24 years old.  My husband and I began dating when I was just 13 and he was 14, making this our 11th year together!  In March, we'll be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary.

We have one amazing daughter, and her name is Addyson.

If you happen to ask her what her name is, she will promptly reply, "CooCoo".  That's my girl!  She is my inspiration, my sunshine, and my happy little spot in life.  She is silly to the max!  She loves to dance and sing and play and pretend.  There's never a day she doesn't make some goofy new face or say something totally giggle worthy!

I love her, in case you couldn't tell.

So that's my little family as it stands now.  As for me, I'm an office worker-bee/coffee addict by day and a mommy/wife/cook/baker/crocheter/sewer by night.  Yes, I know that list didn't include sleeper, but I'm working on that, I promise.  I hope to use this blog to show you what I'm working on.  I may post craft projects, recipes, or just rant about the latest thing I'm absolutely crazy about.  (Right now it's caramel sauce, but more on that later.)  And of course, I'll be sprinkling in random cute pictures of my little coocoo, like this one!

I know I'm biased, but darn she's cute!

So stick with me!  I'm new at this, and fumbling through it and I may be absent at times, but I'll do my best to make regular appearances.  Ta-ta for now fellow blogger-oos!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I love that one of Addy! She looks like she's trying to think of something to get into :) Love it.
