Friday, October 1, 2010

HooHoo Hats

When my little coocoo was just learning to talk, she would point to all the animals and call them by the sounds they made.  Dogs were "oof, oofs", cats were "meow, meows", fish were "blub, blubs" and so on.  When I made my very first owl hat she pointed to it and said "HooHoo Hat!" and so the HooHoo Hat was born.

My first HooHoo Hat was lime and pink with little button eyes.  I loved her and Addyson wore her proudly.

As the baby HooHoo Hats continued, I thought to myself "How can there be a baby without a mama?"  So, you guessed it...

I made a Mama HooHoo Hat!

So now all is right with the world and there's a mama and a baby HooHoo Hat.  I'm continuing to experiment with different colors and eyes, and I love each one I make more than the last.  Here's a peek at the latest HooHoo Hats from Little CooCoo Creations.

And what's on my hook next, you might ask.  Well, I'll give you a clue...

Ugh, please ignore the mountains of laundry behind Mr. Kitty.  It was laundry day.


  1. Okay these hats are seriously adorable! I'm jumping on the owl lovin bandwagon! I've always wanted to learn to knit, now I have to!

    Tashia @

  2. So adorable! I love owls and these hats are so sweet.

  3. I'll be featuring this on my blog tomorrow.
